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Dudley Worrying About Money Leaflet Relaunch

20th January 2023

Since the launch in October 2021, during Challenge Poverty Week, the ‘Worrying About Money?’ (WAM) Dudley leaflet has received extremely positive feedback. BCFB have worked with IFAN (Independent Food Aid Network UK) and other key organisations in Dudley to produce this helpful leaflet.

‘Worrying About Money?’ cash first referral leaflets are co-designed as straightforward resources both for people facing money worries and support workers. The step-by-step guides identify which local agencies are best placed to help people maximise income and access any existing financial entitlements.

Demand is increasing at BCFB for reasons that everyone is aware of. Encouraging and equipping people to seek ‘cash first’ options has become crucial. That is why we are launching an updated Dudley WAM leaflet to signpost people to a range of support options.

Please click HERE to use an online version of the leaflet as well as download the leaflet and poster.

If your organisation is in Dudley and would like hard copies then do get in touch.