Fundraising Ideas

There are so many ways that individuals, families, businesses can fundraise for BCFB. Here are a few suggestions:

  • A bake sale
  • A sponsored run
  • A sponsored silence at your school
  • Coffee and cake mornings
  • 5 a side football match
  • Zoom/Online quiz

These are just a few ideas, and don't forget we can help you with sponsor forms. Give us a call or use the Contact Us form and we will get back in touch with you.

Summerhill School

It's always inspiring to see children coming together for the good of others and supporting their local community, and Summerhill School didn't disappoint for their Ursa house charity week. From bake sales, to soak the teacher, shaving heads, tombolas and one young man who has muscular hypertonia which severely limits his mobility, jogging 5k at his local gym. What an amazing way to support us!


Two amazing young ladies decided to sell sunflower seeds in their local Sainsbury’s store bringing cheerful smiles to all the Saturday morning shoppers. They spent the money they raised on much needed food items which they personally bought to us in the warehouse.


Running a marathon is a huge undertaking, but to run two is amazing. Dr Patel from Moss Grove Surgery will spend 2024 undertaking this challenge in Boston and Berlin in support of Black Country Foodbank and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Training for these events requires commitment and dedication, and we are thankful to those that choose to dedicate their time to support those in need.


"Busketeers" Billy Spakemon, Tim Martin, and John Homer are prolific fundraisers and we were thankful for their support in 2023 as one of their nominated charities. They have been busking for charity for ten years, but decided to start supporting local charities more recently so they could see the physical results from engaging with their community.


TSB, Old Hill, Stourbridge have supported us in many ways including holding a bake sale in one of their branches. It was a great success and the cakes were delicious!

Prosperity Wealth Zoomers

During the Covid-19 lock down period in 2020, Prosperity Wealth, based at The Waterfront, thought of a novel idea to continue to support BCFB financially as they were unable to do physical collections at their office.  Members of their workforce had great fun taking part in online quizzes and games of bingo, raising a significant amount of money to help keep our vans running and the lights on proving fundraising is still possible within difficult circumstances!